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🕚 09 June 2023

2023 05 New York City & Orlando Gaydays

Finally back to NYC after a long Covid crises break. We'll stay a few days, and we'll fly to Orlando, Florida for Disney Gaydays.

🕚 07 June 2023

2023 03 (97-12) Antwerp and RSVP cruise

A stop in Antwerp, Belgium, on our way to Florida. We spent some time in Orlando, and we drove to Miami. We sailed out of Miami onboard Norwegian Pearl. This RSVP gay cruise stopped in Key West, Florida - Harvest Caye, Belize - Colon, Panama - Cartagena, Colombia, and Georgetown, Cayman Island. This cruise was amazing once again!

🕚 13 February 2023

2023 02 (96-81) Harmony Atlantis Cruise

The big one! With more than 5100 passengers onboard, this cruise was the largest gay cruise ever. Harmony of the seas is the biggest cruise ship of the world. Departing from Fort Lauderdale, the cruise stopped in Labadee, Haiti - Orangestad, Aruba and Willemstad, Curacao. We'll spent a few days in Florida before the cruise

🕚 31 January 2023

2023 01 (95-80) Atlantis Prima Cruise

Last minute booking! Once gain, this Atlantis cruise was fantastic . Prima is definitely a beautiful ship! The weather was windy but almost perfect. Even if 2 stops has been canceled because of the wind, we did enjoy staying almost all the week on the ship. Food were spectacular on this ship. We're now ready for cruise number 96 in 6 days ...

🕚 03 December 2023

2022 07 (93-79) Atlantis Virgin Valiant Lady cruise

This cruise was departing from Barcelona, Spain, and stopped only in Spain: Cadiz, Malaga, Ibiza, and Palma de Majorque.

🕚 16 January 2023

2022 Miscellaneous Pictures

Miscellanous pics taken in 2022

🕚 09 August 2022

2022 08 Copenhagen

A few days in Copenhaguen, Denmark to celebrate Rich's birthday.

🕚 07 August 2022

2022 07 (94-3) La Démence Cruise

Our 3rd 'The Cruise' powered by La Démence. This year, The Cruise celebrate his 10th anniversary. Onboard Regal Princess, The Cruise will sail from Rome, Italy, and will finish in Athens,Greece. Stops: Dubrovnik, Croatia - Korčula, Croatia, Kotor, Montenegro - Mykonos, Greece - and Santorini, Greece. (La Démence is a very popular gay monthly party in Brussels, Belgium)

🕚 31 July 2022

2022 07 Rome, Italy

Before La Demence cruise, we stopped a few days in Rome, Italy

🕚 25 July 2022

2022 07 The Chromatica Ball

After being postponed a few time, Lady Gaga's concert - The Chromatica Ball - finally happened! As usual, Lady gaga was Fantastic, especially during his solo piano performances.

🕚 17 July 2022

2022 07 Premiere Avangers Campus Disneyland Paris

We were invited to try the new Avengers Campus Land, in the studios in Disneyland Paris a few days before its opening...

🕚 28 June 2022

2022 06 commemoration of the Stonewall riots in Paris

On the night of June 27th to 28th 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn bar, located on Christopher Street in New York (United States), and arrested homosexuals and trans. This intervention caused immediately riots that lasted several days, and marked the beginning of the long battle of LGBTQIA (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queer, Intersex, Asexuals, and more diversity) to obtain equal rights everywhere in the world. For the first time this year, the city of Paris has decided to commemorate this event.

🕚 28 June 2022

2022 06 Gaypride Paris

Gaypride Paris 2022 has been a huge success! Departure was at metro station Michel Bizot, and arrival at Place de la Republique. About 500 000 persons were there, marching and dancing !

🕚 12 June 2022

2022 06 Disneyland Paris Pride

I LOVED this second Disneyland Paris Pride! Walt Disney Company did really very well this year! The best was Mika's concert, one of my favorite singer! 1 hour and a half! Mika sang most of his big success, and event came to dance and sing in the middle of the public! Another highlight was Bilal Hassani Concert. This 22 years old gay young singer was the French candidate in the 2019 European Song Contest. He finished at the 16th position. Since then, he has a lot of success. Even if I don't know a lot of his songs, I really loved his concert! I missed Becky Hill's concert. I was too busy riding attractions. The night ended with a fantastic danse party in front of the Hollywood terror Hotel. A big thank you to the organizers and all the staff. We really had good time!

🕚 09 June 2022

2022 06 Versailles Castle

We took a annual acces to Versaille Castel for 2021-2022 Season. You will find here a few pics

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